Infographic: Farm safety in the USA

Agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries people can work in. Almost 2 million people are directly employed in the agriculture industry so it is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed.

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Every week there are people injured and even killed in the USA on farms and in agriculture related industries. One stark statistic is that every day approximately 167 agri-workers suffer a lost-work-time injury.

Through implementation of safer work practices and measures however, these numbers could be greatly reduced. Education and training is a major element that can assist this.

This info-graphic covers the area of farm safety and agriculture in the USA and examines some interesting and startling statistics associated with it.

It also gives some recommendations on how some of these accidents and fatalities can be avoided in the future.

Farm safety in the USA


Infographic created by the Irish Farmers Journal.

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  • DexterD

    This bears out something I have suspected for a long time. Safe working practices in the US are much worse than in the UK. This post states that the rate of fatal accidents in US agriculture is 20 per 100,000 workers. In the UK the rate is 8.8 per 100,000 workers. And in the UK, agriculture is classed as having the worst safety record of any industry.

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