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#Agrichatworld – summary of discussion 16.10.2013

632 contributors, 3,664 Tweets, 890,282 reach and 8.44 million timeline deliveries Participation from UK, USA, NZ, Australia, Canada, Kenya, Holland, EU The next five years will see big changes in our food systems. One of the biggest challenges will be

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Overcoming the big arable challenges

17.10.13 Overcoming the big arable challenges discussion archive This discussion raised awareness of the new Crop Tech show on 30-31st October. Issues pertinent to the show, and in the wider arable sectors, that were discussed included blackgrass, CAP reform, weed

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Farming conferences – how useful and effective are they?

03.01.13 Farming conferences – how useful and effective are they? Discussion archive The discussion tied in with both the Oxford Farming Conference and Oxford Real Farming Conference and generated mixed views about whether farming conferences were worth attending, but networking,

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What is AgriChatUK?

AgriChatUK is a Twitter hashtag to discuss agricultural and farming topics, from animal welfare to social media. Come find us every Thursday between 8-10pm by searching for #agrichatuk in Twitter and join in the conversation by adding #agrichatuk to your tweets.

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