

‏@richardcdunn “The #agrichatuk forum has become a great place for topical discussion on matters within the agricultural and rural community, with fantastic participation in both numbers and the quality of debate.”

@GatepostTweet “Excellent discussion, thanks for hosting. Is #agrichatuk always this lively?”

@SarahA_Morgan “Amazingly interesting just reading people’s comments, views and experiences on #agrichatuk AND IT’S TRENDING!”

@edbarkercla “I know others have said the same already, but really informative #agrichatuk last night – especially having ministers and professionals taking part.”

@hfwardhouse “Thank you to all contributors – very worthwhile discussion – my first joining in – will check it out every week now!”

@Sustaination “Thank you everyone! We bloomin’ LOVED that #agrichatuk – the future is bright, and you all make it brighter. Keep up your fine, fine work.”

@Dickiekendrick “Thanks all the questions were superb tonight look forward to next week”

@SgtJamesMain “Thanks for the invite, it has been really useful. iPad battery is almost flat now though!”

@JamieKerslake88 “Great #agrichatuk session tonight, lots of tips and great insights. Looking forward to next week!”

@thearch03 “Followed #agrichatuk right through tonight. Brilliant discussions which will only help our industry to succeed more and more.”

@willwilson100 “BOOOM #agrichatuk was brilliant! Now knackered.”

‏@Jon_Birchall “A great evening .Thanks to all.”

@FlockableLasses “#agrichatuk tonight: Very informative, very interesting, very enjoyable! Remember to check our blog tomorrow for our take on what we learnt!”

‏@AgronomyMan “Well done everyone involved. Most informative #agrichatuk so far.”

‏@AHDB_DairyCo “Thanks to everyone for the opportunity to hear your views and please keep in touch!”

@AHDB01 “Thank you #agrichatuk followers for last night. We’ll examine all your suggestions, particularly on R&D, over coming weeks. Really good chat!”

@HGCA_tweet “Thanks to everyone for our first #agrichatuk we enjoyed it! Lots for us to take back to the team here at HGCA”

@EblexTweets “Catching up with all the feedback + questions that came out of a great #agrichatuk last night. We’ll do our best to respond to everyone!”

@MorrisonFarming Thanks #agrichatuk. My mind is a blur of coffee and chat! Strangely feeling positive and exhilarated.

@will_case Really enjoyed following tonight’s #agrichatuk so much positivity!

@DefraGovUK Important #agrichatuk tonight. We’ve been listening very carefully to your views and ideas. Great to see so many people contributing

‏@wa1shie Enjoy the different farming and ag voices in #agrichatuk on Thursday evenings

@RobynVinterFW Really impressed by how much respect everyone has for others’ opinions. It really is a pleasure to take part #agrichatuk

@Farm_Innovation Really enjoyed tonight’s #agrichatuk – really interactive & positive with some great ideas being knocked around! Fab!

@Crop_Sciences Thank you @AgriChatUK for another great Thursday discussion. You represent an innovation to the Ag sector. #agrichatuk.


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