Blog Archives

What’s the future for upland farms?

21.03.13 What’s the future for upland farms? Discussion archive The lowlands and the uplands are intertwined in a number of ways, for example through livestock, feeding, water and environment. The intricate balance between the environment, biodiversity and farming is unique

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What do we want for farming in 2013?

10.01.13 What do we want for farming in 2013? Discussion archive The majority of farmers are optimistic, confident, hopeful and excited – tempered by the realisation that conditions and returns will be challenging. Resilience, creating allies, flexibility and a clear

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How can agriculture attract the brightest minds?

20.12.12 How can agriculture attract the brightest minds discussion archive There is an underlying confusion about farming amongst children, with a gap between urban and countryside youngsters. Putting role models in place and giving children the opportunity to learn about farming through

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Farming in 10 years time

The perception of farming in 10 years’ time is shaped by farming practices employed within the industry today. The challenges to be faced need to be met head on with a proactive response, as today’s issues will evolve with wider

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