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#Agrichatworld – summary of discussion 16.10.2013

632 contributors, 3,664 Tweets, 890,282 reach and 8.44 million timeline deliveries Participation from UK, USA, NZ, Australia, Canada, Kenya, Holland, EU The next five years will see big changes in our food systems. One of the biggest challenges will be

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The #AgrichatWorld Guide

What is #AgrichatWorld? A global farming discussion held on Twitter to mark World Food Day 2013 through a collaboration of the world’s Twitter farming groups. Farmers, food producers and anyone else interested, will come together at the same moment across

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Farmers collaborate for first world twitter chat

Farmers around the world are attempting a global first, with a live, world-wide Twitter discussion on the issues and experiences facing them in producing the planet’s food. The chat will mark World Food Day on Wednesday 16 October, and will

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